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Dalit Short Story: A Study of Three Writers in India

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Book Code: 1111033165520

Swati Deepak Chandorkar

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Untitled Document


Dalit literature has occupied the center-stage in contemporary Indian literature. Besides poetry, fiction, drama, autobiography, Dalit short story is also being written and read on a large scale in all the major Indian languages. It is a powerful means to entertain and convey social message to readers across the nation. The present book offers a detailed study of Three writers in Three different Indian languages namely Indian English, Marathi and Hindi . B.Rangrao, Baburao Babul and Ratan Kumar Sambharia represent a generation of Dalit writers who write with a profound sense of social commitment looking forward to social change through literary creativity. The book also evaluates these writers as creative artists and declares their relevance to the Indian social context today. The book also helps to understand "Dalit Sensibility" as it operates within contemporary cultural scenario.


Mrs Swati Deepak Chandorkar is a teacher of language and literature with special learning towards social issues. She has obtained doctorate degree (Ph.D) on Dalit Short Story. Her areas of interest include feminist literature, Indian English writings and literature in Indian languages. She believes in social transformation crossing the caste and regional boundaries. She lives with her family in Mumbai and works in Mahatma Education Society as lecturer in English.


Preface ----------------------------------------------------------------- 7
Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------ 9
I. Introduction  ---------------------------------------------------------11
II. Authors: Life and Works  -------------------------------------------45
IIIA. Thematic Analysis of the Text Desperate Men and
Women: Ten Dalit Short Stories from India --------------------------- 65
IIIB.  Thematic Analysis of the Text When I Hid My Caste------ ----- 95
IIIC. Thunderstorm- Dalit Stories -.--------------------------------- 133
IV. Interviews with the Authors  -------------------------------------165
V. Conclusion  ------------------------------------------------------173
Bibliography  ------------------------------------------------------- 195





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